Roast or Fry?

Roast or Fry?


Roast or Fry? By Robyn Smith
6.5" x 9"
Full color
saddle-stitched (staples)
28 pages

From Parsifal:
"Can you keep a secret? Extreme heat and guilt don’t make it any easier.

…But can a seven pound fruit?

Trelawny has been carrying a heavy secret. As the extreme heat of a Jamaican summer becomes a fire under her feet, will she be able to hide the truth from her friends? Roast or Fry is a masterclass of the comics short story, creating rising tension through its simmering environment and the expressive characters within it."

Roast or Fry? Image 2 Roast or Fry? Image 3 Roast or Fry? Image 4
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