One Hundred Views of Reality

One Hundred Views of Reality


One Hundred Views of Reality by Kijitori Byu
Published by Glacier Bay Books

From Glacier Bay:
Byu is an independent cartoonist active in the Comitia doujin scene whose style mixes surreal, sometimes humorous situations, with abstract subject matter and asimplified line effected to deeply thought-provoking and poignant result. Their self-published collection Zenbu Toki ni Atta, which One Hundred Views of Reality draws from and expands on, was a jury selection for the 20th Japan Media Arts Award.

One Hundred Views of Reality collects 300+ pages worth of Byu’s short story manga for the first time, including their highly-regarded cult classic works A Long Stay, BYTE, A Country Called America, and many more. A rare glimpse into the slightly surreal alternative Comitia doujin scene of the early 2010s.

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